Sunday, January 9, 2011

Media Autobiography

Media surrounds us all, in parts of our lives that we sometimes overlook. We can be surprised to find out where we find the media creeping until we actually take a look into our lives. There are many various outlets or mediums of the media all around us. The top eight most common are books, newspapers, magazines, movies, recordings, radio, television and the internet.
Books are one of the older forms of mediums in the human age. I personally love books, I believe that they are a good outlet to get away from the realities of life. When I read a book it takes me away to a place where I am put in the characters situation and melts away my stress of everyday life for a brief time. I love the way books are written and how they can transport you to a far away land where your imagination can wander. Growing up I read a lot of books, about two a month. Nowadays I read a books whenever I am able to and I have free time to. Books are a great way to start conversation as well, especially with strangers who have a common interest with the same type of books you enjoy reading.
While I enjoy reading books, I must say that I don't really enjoy reading the newspaper nor do I anyway. Although I do find them very informative I don't find any desire reading them for various reasons. The main reason for not reading newspapers is because I don't easily have access to them. They cost money and that is something I would enjoy spending my money on when I am able to receive the same information from numerous different sources that are free. Another reason I feel that I don't read the newspaper is because I grew up never reading it. Infrastructure of the newspaper is another reason as to why I don't enjoy reading them. I hate reading a section of the newspaper that seems very interesting and then abruptly having to switch to page 12B to continue the story, I find that mildly irritating.
Movies are a huge favorite of mine. Like books, I enjoy the fact that movies are able to shoot me into a world of wonder and imagination for a brief moment. When I watch movies it gets my mind off things and lets me wander away. I usually go to the movies about once every two weeks and love laying in bed and renting movies with a nice glass of wine in my hand. I love movies a lot, a reason I like them so much because they have celebrities in them and I must admit that I LOVE CELEBRITIES. In addition to the celebrities I really like the meanings behind movies and how they are executed.
Magazines are a huge favorite of mine. I have many subscriptions to many different magazines. I enjoy magazines so much because they are filled with a lot of useful ideas and great different things such as horoscopes, sex tips, fashion, health tips, stories, articles and issues pertaining to things that interests me. For example, I subscribe to GQ, Cosmopolitan, Attitude, Vogue and Vanity Fair. Im always so excited and eager to open up the pages and read them when I get home and see them in the mail.
Recordings are a major part of my life. Music is what flows through my veins, figuratively of course. Music helps me get through so many hardships as well as inspires me. When I hear the beat of the music my body starts pumping and my feet just want to move. It is an everyday thing for me, all the time. When I'm in the shower, driving in the car, before going to bed or at the gym music is a huge part of my life.
Since I love music so much, the radio is my best friend. It is an outlet where music comes out at and I like the variety it offers. My radio tuner is set to various different genres of music including rap, hip hop, r&b, country and rock. I don't think people can fully understand how much I enjoy listening to music, it has such a huge impact on my emotions and feelings. I also enjoy the radio because it advertises things that sometimes may be useful to me.
The television is something that I guess use sometimes. I'm always so busy I even forget to watch my weekly television shows. I do enjoy watching the television though; its like movies in the sense that it's very relaxing and I'm able to relax. I wish I had more time to watch TV but since I'm not able to I like to take full advantage of it when I'm able to.
Lastly is the internet. I can't imagine life without the internet anymore. It is the mecca of our modern world and society. It connects us all and allows us to see people across the world with ease. You can literally do anything on the internet these days like going to school, literally. The internet has helped me and I would have to say is the most important medium because of the capabilities and options it has to offer society.
I personally would like to have a career in the media. My major is Communications/Advertising & Public Relations so the media and it's mediums would be my tools in which my career would consist of.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that books, movies and even music can transport you out of your everyday life, and that's a great benefit.
