Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Media Ethics/Media Law

Rihanna Versus David LaChapelle

Copyright Issue

Rihanna's S&M video had VERY CLOSE similarities to David LaChapelle's music video's. After the video was released tweets and FB status' claimed that it was very close to David's video. Anywhere from the outfits to the backgrounds and actual video footage. All of it is very similar. The colors, prints, hair, make up, people, dances & looks. David is angry and now is suing Rihanna.


  1. i heard about this...i used to like rihanna, but now she is just annoying with her new look. it is also funny because i think s&m is her first song to be censored on youtube. whats also interesting is david said rihanna, calling her by her full name, is one of his friends. well guess again, cuz after this case i bet they wont be talking anymore...

  2. Good example of intellectual property issues.
